Touring Germany Cultures

While we touring Germany cultures, keep in mind these are just a few intriguing things about the county. With the many varieties of landscapes from the tall mountains to the south to the agricultural plains to the east. And in the heart of it all is Berlin which has not come without it’s problems rising from World War II. Due to the magnificent old world sites to behold along the Rhine River. Such as medieval  castles, churches, beautiful towns and the learning center’s for it’s cultures.

Germany Cultures and Cuisine

While searching for the cultures within Germany, they tend to eat a lot of bread, but with the combinations of vegetables and fruits are overall healthy eaters. And unlike many other cultures the biggest meal of the day is lunch. Also like all of us meat of all varieties adding noodles, potatoes, vegetables and bread. Dinner is on the lighter side, meats, cheeses, breads and lets not forget the wine! And now they have access to the Global Fine Wines delivered right to there doors.  ~Access Here~

Germany cultures

With all the modern fast food places to take in the population in Germany cultures have changed as North America struggling with obesity. The youth in all societies are eating more pizza, burgers and fries then ever before. And with that like all modern times have lost the old cultures that were believed to keep everyone healthy and alert for there days ahead. Also while dining in a restaurant the manners are different from customs elsewhere. No elbows on the table as we should all know, best to study  up before you enter Germany. And the waiters or waitress’s get better pay per hour than in America, so the tips are to be less. I have found so many things interesting while searching the cultures of Germany. Celebrations are among the top parties of all times. Eat drink and be merry, from the Oktoberfest to the Weinfest, every celebrations is full of traditions in there cultures.

Cheese and Wine Paring

Goat Cheese if young variety choose a fruity wine – if aged cheese white wine 

Gouda or any semi-hard Cheese can always be paired with fruity acidic Riesling

Blue Cheese strong in taste and smell requires a sweet or dessert wine

Hard Cheese such as Parmesan require wine wine with a strong aroma or fruity red wines

These are just a few examples of the wide variety of wine and cheese pairings. So many great tasting foods can be pared with fine wine. Perhaps a dark chocolate with a sweet red for the perfect dessert after a great steak and potato meal. Red wines tend to be many in types and flavors, but by getting the perfect white wine can be pleasing as well. Wines from all over the globe are here with the choice of red, white, but I strongly suggest some of each giving you a tasting experience. ‎

Germany cultures
Cheers!!! To all our friends in Germany!

Go here and start tasting the Finer Wine!!