New Year – Setting Goals

As we think back over the past year what could we change or have done differently? Perhaps you have not set your goals or just chucked them out the window! And without goals you have no direction or destination to head. However setting goals is an act of careful consideration and mindset.

Setting Goals

Due to the correct mission of setting goals you want motivational ways to keep you heading in the right direction. And by keeping motivated towards the needs and wants you have will give you a better successful plan. Goals require commitment and hard work. Also a frame of mind, when you lead yourself down the maybe tomorrow path, your goals have already not been met. And to feel a positive “I must do this”, attitude to achieving your well on your way to success.

By setting your path to attaining what you may want to achieve be reasonable and specific. Maybe you have tried this before and set you goals out of range, I want to make a million dollars by next year but had no plan to get there. Then is fact you are left depressed and demoralized at not achieving anything you hoped for.

Also put a time limit on when you want to meet these targets. If you let yourself wonder all over, again end up with nothing but a pipe dream. This adds a sense of urgency to your mission. When I look back over time all I have done is dream big but never put it into action!

setting goals

Make a Plan

And with anything that you want and need to make real, write it down! Also write positive actions, make a post that you see daily. Perhaps sticky notes with steps to take each day, on the mirror, wall, computer or even the refrigerator, all in daily plain site! And make a list of what you need to do to get there, cross them off as you do, that is a visual of accomplishment.

How many times have you said to yourself, I need to lose 10 pounds by vacation? And by that time you have gained weight! And when you think abut how you set this goal, was it in writing or just a thought process? Due to the ease of that cookie looking at you, of why not its only one cookie, you fail to succeed that day! With that being said what is your plan of action? Maybe a healthy bio-science alternative is the key… explore these!

Examples of Goals

And a diet is the perfect way to set goals and plans of action. Due to watching the pounds melt away and achieving the goals set you succeed. Which is the same with everything we do.

Key points to setting goals is more than saying you want something. By clearly writing down what you want and steps to making it happen will be the satisfaction needed.

Another example, your day job is taxing and the travel is a headache! What goals setting comes to mind? Maybe getting out of all that, but trying something new and not what you were taught growing up. Perhaps working from home without the 9-5 stresses? As one myself, the goal setting is a challenge, all the monkey wrenches that get thrown into a day, make a goal fail!

Work From Home

With all things comes these initials, do you live these? And the definition Reset-Refocus-Recommit! Let me be the first to introduce you to a perfect way to put goals into action, and make income too. And we know there are many options on the internet!

Performance Blogging System- Relief from 9-5 Grind

Due to the work in progress and goal setting required, this is how I was able to get out of the non-sense of dealing with bosses that only worry about there pocket. And not to mention the taxing on the whole body. Also finding the right program that would teach me the ways do achieve success.

However, you have to have what it takes, goals, actions and the willingness to learn a hole new world. And when I look back and am being true to myself, I have learned many ways. Maybe not in the direction I should have taken myself at times, goals crushed, outside negativity, all things that can cloud judgement.

Make A Plan ~ Get Busy ~ Ask For What You Deserve

As you head into 2023 what dreams do you have for your future, more money, loose weight, saving for vacation? Always start by goal setting and stick to it! Perhaps the first goal you need to focus on is you! In order to make dreams a reality it starts within you! Self is not being selfish, it is finding out what has stopped you from making dreams become real. Always remember to be grateful for what you have but stay driven towards what makes you ~ you!!